Strauss Testimonials

The first product that we imported was the Strauss Heartdrops and over the years we have had many customers giving us feedback about their experience using the Heartdrops and other Strauss products. The following testimonials are from our feedback files, (sourced from surnames starting with A & B). Although these testimonies do not replace and are not backed by scientific evidence, they do show what some customers tell us after taking Strauss products. This information is not intended to replace sound medical advice. Results may vary.

"I had cancer when I was 10 years old and went through 2 years of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. One of the drugs they used was called adriamycine (forgive spelling). The adriamycine is very hard on your heart and ten years later I went from a normal 20 years old young man to not being able to physically lift myself off the couch. Just existing was like running a marathon and I was dying. After 4 months in the hospital and a few trips to the critical care unit for crashing I had enough knowledge to at least keep myself stable. One day the doctor came in and told me that they had found a node on my lung and did a biopsy and found another cancerous growth. I was now diagnosed with end stage congestive heart failure and lung cancer. Because of the lung cancer I was taken off of the heart transplant list and because of the heart condition I wouldn't survive another round of chemotherapy. I was sent home with a prescription for my heart meds and a six month timeline as to how long I was going to live. They sent me home so I would be in familiar surroundings when my final breath was taken.

Being as that I was only 20 years old, I had no intention of dying. One day I wandered into a health food store in my hometown and explained my story to the woman working. After a few tears and a heartfelt hug from her she showed me Strauss Heartdrops. I began as directed and continued to increase my dosage until I was taking 2.5ml/3x a day. After 6 months I began to be able to go for walks without seeing stars. The feeling like someone was standing on my chest started to subside. I remember the first time I fell asleep on my back - it was a small miracle because before it had felt like I was drowning.

I reported to my cardiologist appointments as ordered and was stunned as I watched my improvement not only on a personal level but in a controlled environment using the best in modern equipment. I am 33 years old now and am happily living my life out on Vancouver Island and I owe it all to you and your company. You saved my life and I can never re-pay what you have done for me. There is so much more to this story but I just wanted to give you the gist of it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Les, Vancouver Island, BC

"Ok, you have a believer in me and a very impressed doctor. I just got my cholesterol test back.

My total cholesterol dropped from 6.46 to 4.60. Triglycerides dropped from 5.09 to 3.15, which my doctor said was still high but a great change and heading in the right direction. LDL calculation was invalid: when last tested as my Triglycerides were so high an accurate measurement was not possible. LDL is now 2.07 HDL went from 1.04 to 1.09, which the doctor said was still too low but heading in the right direction. Cholesterol/HDL ratio dropped from 6.19 to 4.21.

So I never told my doctor I had been taking Heartdrops for the last year. He couldn’t believe that diet and exercise could make that much of a change. I told him that I had been eating a bit better and getting a bit more exercise but nothing major, except that I had been taking Heartdrops. He was very impressed and said he could not argue with the facts and he told me to continue taking whatever it was that I was taking.

"Dear Strauss Company,

In 2005 my husband suffered a colossal heart attack that went on for 1 ½ hours. His heart was oversized and after the attack was sloppy and a heart transplant was spoken of. 25% of his heart died off. So he had the usual; a 6 bypass operation and 2 angioplasties thrown in for good measure. After 2 weeks he was discharged and I brought home a barely living corpse. Month after month went by with no great improvement and at 8 months, he suffered severe heart failure, requiring hospitalization to remove the fluids. His legs swelled to the size of elephant’s legs. He looked miserable and felt life had nothing more to offer him than a slow excruciating death. His legs were ice cold to the knees as well.

It was at this time a friend came to the rescue. She sized up the situation and showed me this miracle. I went out the next day a bought a bottle of Heartdrops®. I marked on the calendar when we started and lo and behold, day 14 was THE day of improvement! His legs were warm!!!! His cir circulation was back! We literally danced around the kitchen. Willi has been taking this wonderful product 4 years now. They wanted to operate again and give him a defibrillator and this product regulated the beat. The amount of energy this product has given him is stupendous. He works daily in the garage, plying his hobby, sausage making. He works in the garden, cuts the grass, moves heavy object around… I can’t say enough about this product.

Over time, we threw away 7 prescription medications that did nothing for him but made things worse. Today he takes 1 pill a day to slow down the heart and his good health comes from Strauss Heartdrops®! I’m not stupid either, I take them everyday to PREVENT these problems. I tell everyone who will stand still about this miracle.

I find it strange how many people suspiciously eye this harmless product and refuse even to consider taking it. And yet they swallow everything the doctor writes prescriptions for without batting an eyelid and continue receiving more and more doctor advised poisons and keep becoming more sick but they never get the message. Oh yes, Willi is 70 years old.

So there you have the unvarnished truth. My hat is permanently off to the Strauss Company.
I. Hoell, Delta, BC

"Thank you for the latest bottle of Heartdrops®. I am just about to start taking them in the next few days. When I started taking them on October 15, 2007, I was so skeptical over their ability to improve my heart and strength in general. But I'm still thriving on them. I was in such a mess at that time.

At our hospital they told me and my wife I'd have only three months left if I didn't have a pacemaker fitted. This was installed in February after another set back where I'd collapsed at work due to too high a dosage of blood pressure medication. My blood pressure is now very good at 118/76. At the hospital they can't believe that my pacemaker hasn't activated at all since February. It was meant to restart my heart if it stopped at all. They are really puzzled, not wanting to believe that Strauss Heartdrops® are so effective and only believe that the drugs are doing the trick.

Again, many thanks for such marvelous medicine. It's transforming my life. I think by now I might have been dead or like a sedated zombie at least. Now I lead virtually a normal life."

"Valerie is having good results with your herbs. Has more life and lost all her pains. Is now working in her garden and enjoying it."
G A. Dargaville

"I don’t get fatigued like I used to walking the dog, and I had to run to the car recently which I thought would have exhausted me, but it didn’t."
Ross A Auckland

"I am walking without getting out of breath so much and mowing lawns and working the veggie garden easier whereas before I took your Heartdrops and E Z Breathe I was having to rest and get my breath back."
Clarence A Timaru

"I continue to find myself less breathless on exertion and know Strauss Heartdrops have contributed to this."
Muriel A Hamilton

"No problems now with poor circulation in feet."
Paul A Kaikohe

"Using my Nitro Lingual spray is a thing of the past and I don’t think my health can get any better. Your drops are the best thing that have ever happened for me."
Ken A Auckland

"Mth 1: I am more relaxed and have more energy since taking the Heartrops
Mth 2: I am sleeping longer and my sinus attacks have lessened in severity. The only downside is I still have to use my glyceryl trinitrate every morning due to numbness in my left arm
Mth 3: I have increased the dosage and the numbness in my left harm has not come back."
Anna A Papakura

"I am very happy with the results I am getting with the Strauss Heartdrops. My appetite has improved and I find I am feeling much better in my health."
Grayson A (aged 86) Napier

"I am feeling heaps better and I have lot more energy. My blood pressure and cholesterol are back to normal and I am feeling very well thanks to Strauss Heartdrops. My eyesight has also improved."
Betty A (70+) Waiuku

"Looking back to this time last year my general health is much better – more energy – a more positive outlook on life – a better heart rhythm."
Dorne A Auckland

"Chest pain is receding and hardly need to use Nitro spray. Am very active and feel well."
Morten A (70+) Palmerston North

"Much less chest pain. Now only when sudden exercise like jumping and running. Circulation must be better because instead of wearing thermal socks to bed and thermal tops I can now not do this. I have not experienced this cold for some time now. I may be imagining it but my eyesight seems to be a bit improved."
Colin A (50 - 60) Otorohanga

"I find that I do not have to use my puffer (Glycerin spray) to ease chest pain. I am sleeping better now, almost getting a full night’s sleep (previously had interrupted periods). I believe my eyesight has improved with sharper vision."
Robert A (70-80) Upper Hutt

"Have no breathlessness and no chest pain. Now on 5th bottle. Seemed OK from the 2nd bottle."
Guy A (50-60) Feilding

"Mth 4: Can sleep on either side now without chest pain whereas I could not sleep on my right side before taking the Heartdrops.
Mth 5: Sleeping more soundly and have more energy.
Mth 6: I can now mow the lawns – I haven’t been able to do that for years."
Margaret A (70+) Wakefield

"Pain (severe) gone in 1 week. Great stuff."
David A, Kaikoura

"About 10 months ago I contracted Glandular fever. Since then if I did any hard work my heart rate would climb and I would feel dizzy. I went to the doctor who sent me away for various tests, the results came back that my heart muscle had hardened. For the last 4 months I’ve been taking Accupril, which has helped but I was still a long way from being 100%. I started taking Strauss Heartdrops 3 weeks ago and have been feeling fitter every day which helps a lot as I am a farmer. I would be very happy to try the Heartdrops for at least a year as they seem to be making me feel better."
Chris A Taranaki

"Have felt much better, ankle swelling improved. Slow but steady."
E B Wellington


"After 2 weeks there was a general improvement and pain around the heart area has gone"
John B Oxford


"Friends and family are now constantly remarking with amazement, the very obvious improvement in me. 1 year ago I was looking very withdrawn with a distinctive grey pallor (at least it matched my hair!). I keep on singing the praises of the Strauss Heardtrops which is the reason for this incredible improvement"
Pam B Ruawai

"Much less chest pain and more energy."
Roland B Christchurch

"Eye sight appears to be improving, varicose veins on left leg getting less noticeable."
Frances B Christchurch

"In October 02 I experienced chest pains while working out at the local gym. I was then given a stress test and was diagnosed with a heart blockage of some kind. While waiting for the angiogram I started a course of Strauss Heartdrops recommended to me by family. Since being on the Heartdrops I had not experienced any chest pains and I have carried on my life as usual with plenty of energy and no sign of my diagnosed ‘blockage’. However, after having my angiogram I was most surprised to find I required a triple bypass operation even though I had been feeling great and had gone back to mowing my lawns etc. I was devastated of course but all I could say to the doctor was that I was feeling fine, why do I need an operation? Then I discovered when I accidentally ran out of my current supply of Heartdrops that I was tired, lifeless and suffering all the symptoms of a person with heart disease! I re-ordered them and of course will have the operation as soon as I can. My angiogram results showed blockages of 70%, 90% and 90%."
Peter B Queensland

"I have been away on holiday and ran out of my Heartdrops. As a result I have noticed a deterioration in my wellbeing. I have been lethargic, less relaxed, headaches and chest tightness."
Carol B Auckland

"I have certainly noticed a vast improvement on the drops. No heart rhythm problems, no palpitations, just a nice calm heart & feeling good about taking the drops."
Fay B Katikati

"I have used 1 bottle of Strauss Heartdrops and the chest pain has gone away, and my fingers & feet do not have any bother in very cold weather, all told I enjoy a better quality of life thanks to the Heartdrops."
Laura B Waihi Beach

"The tightness in my chest has gone and my varicose veins are shrinking"
Mia B Port Chalmers

"Mth 4: My progress seems slow, but there is definitely an improvement each month. I’m finding a lot less chest pain when exerting myself.
Mth 5: The improvement in my health this past month has been quite dramatic. I feel that the drops are starting to have a big effect. I am able to exercise more e.g. walking longer with little to no chest pain. I’m really happy with my progress.
Mth 9: I have never felt so well in the last 4 years as I do now. All the people I know keep commenting on how well I look and that my body colour has improved . I’m walking much further and find I can negotiate quite steep hills with ease compared to 6 months ago.
Mth 11/12: for many years now I’ve planned to travel overseas, but due to my health I’ve always put it off. Since taking Strauss Heartdrops my health has improved so much I’m off to Europe for 6 weeks. I now feel like there’s nothing wrong with me – I really can’t believe the change in my health since taking the Strauss Heartdrops."
Colin B Opotiki

"Would you please send me another bottle of Heartdrops. No more chest pain! Circulation is so good too. Varicose veins greatly reduced and more energy. Such a marvellous product. Thank you!"
Peg B, Nelson

"Feeling very well, with no chest pain. Can now walk an hour every day with no troubles. Your product is very good. Thank you so much."
M B, Palmerston North

"I have now taken almost 2 bottles (100 ml) and have not had chest pains once since"
Sylvia B, Timaru

"No heart palpitations, circulation better, more energy and better eyesight."
Peter B Christchurch.

"I have been on the Strauss Heartdrops for 12 months. I no longer get pains in my arms when walking."
Elizabeth B, Havelock North

"Since taking your Heartdrops I have really felt much better. My blood pressure is normal & I have lost the cramps I used to get in my legs. Also my varicose veins have disappeared. I put this down to using your Heartdrops."
A B Balcluthha

"Dear Sirs, I am 81 years old and for the past 4 years I have had an irregular heartbeat, which steadily worsened until it was pausing after every other beat. The cardiologist confirmed my irregular pulse but offered no advice beyond, “Don’t worry about it”. I heard your advert for Strauss Heartdrops so decided to try them. At the end of 2 weeks my pulse had improved & now after 6 weeks it is virtually normal. I am so impressed that I felt I must write and tell you."
Barbara B. Auckland

"Mth 3: no more swelling in ankles and leg pains improving, chest pains less, feeling much better.
Mth 5: Improvement continuing, Delighted with the results.
Mth 10: My son & his family visited recently after 12 months away and he was amazed at my improvement. No puffiness in feet & ankles. He was so impressed he is going to order some for himself. He is 63 and has had circulation problems."
Barbara B Rotorua

"Mth 1:Early days yet, but feel there are some changes taking place.
Mth 3: Since I wrote to you last I haven’t used my nitro spray for the last five weeks. I have no chest pain, have warm feet and fingers not going white with lack of circulation, in fact feeling that good I am walking 2 hours on the hillls behind Blenheim most days. I have also been on Lions club working bee, cutting and carting firewood, which I haven’t been able to do for the last 18 months."
Geoff B Blenheim.

"I have been taking Heartdrops for 2 months. A big improvement all round, body seems to be stirring all over, the feet have a tingling warm feeling, I had suffered from bad chilblains and poor circulation previously, and also the pain has eased dramatically, am on the up and up.
I have been on this programme for nearly 4 months now, and am extremely pleased with the results, am stepping out now on my morning walks with my old confidence back. All thanks to these Heartdrops."
Ian B, Wellington

"Feeling a lot more active. Eye sight appears to be improving. Sleeping better."
Joe B, Auckland

"Am feeling much better. Hardly any down days, I am walking well, don’t get any pain at night. I am very pleased with the results."
Alva B, Auckland.

"I have now used 12 ½ bottles and I can assure you that I’m very satisfied, after 30 years of continuous pain, since I started on your Heartdrops, I have been completely free of all pain and I am able to have a near normal way of life as an 82 ½ year old, so I guess I’m going to be a customer of Strauss Herbs for the rest of my days."
John B, Invercargill.

"I can walk uphill now without the severe leg pain that even flat walking generated. Less shortness of breath and feel a whole lot better now that I can walk more and get fitter. Thank you so much."
Marina B, Masterton.

These testimonials are a small sample of feedback provided by customers using the Strauss Heartdrops sometimes in combination with other Strauss products.